Thursday, June 23, 2011

I Like Poetry - Emotional Vomitus That It Is

I like poetry.  I like reading it and also writing it.  I keep a book at home of poetry I've written and some favorites that other people have written.  I'm going to share a few of mine below. Just because.. well.. because I feel like it.

Sometimes when I'm full of emotion, my brain just starts purging it through words.. lyrical words.. usually free verse.. and they are swirling so maddeningly around in my brain I have to write them down and order them to feel better.

Winter Destinies
A snowflake should never ponder melting
as it dances down from the sky
else the dance might falter
and the snowflake plummet gracelessly
losing only the dance
and still, inexorably, melting


And I Knew I Was Home

When I met the desert
I knew it deep inside
Intimate and familiar
Well known as any lover
I felt with perfect clarity
My soul looking back at me
Sometimes a little desperate
Strong but mistaken for lifeless
Undernourished but not quite dead

And I knew I was home.


Memories of You

My memories of you are so large
I could cuddle up to them in bed
Snuggling into them like the shirt you wore yesterday
Burying my nose in the soft folds
Soothed by the smell of your skin
Falling asleep in them
Long after you're gone.


Gaia's Damballah

Leaves leap from the tree
endlessly spiraling in a profusion of color
gold and emerald and ruby natives
twisting and thrusting to a sultry aboriginal beat
until the maw of the earth rises
seeking sustenance and renewal
and snatches them from the sky