Friday, July 1, 2011

Oh, just ARRGGHH!! anyway.

First, food. I lost 3 pounds last week. I have come to the conclusion both through reading studies and through experimentation, that sugar substitute is the Devil when it comes to dieting. Sugar substitute and exercise. Do you find that as funny as I do? I mean, really. Because that's been the whole sing-along I've been hearing about weight loss for over 20 years. How ironic.

Second, ARGH! Our dog Lilly has abcesses all down one side of her body (I'm guessing they're from some sort of insect bites, but no way to know for sure). Disgusting. She is currently on antibiotics and anti-inflammatories while they conduct some cultures and getting twice daily cleanings and antiseptic/hot compresses. Hopefully this will not require surgery, but there are no promises. She is doing well though. No fever, good attitude, eating good, lest you be inclined to worry overmuch. Bad news, but not terrible. In addition, my horse, Caspar, is getting overheated. This may be due to insufficient sweating (anhydrosis). Apparently the condition can appear at any time and be partial or complete lack of sweating. In his case it would be partial. I am still observing his sweat patterns to see if I can determine if this is the case, but my initial inclination is to say yes. So, I am going to the barn several times a day and wetting him down with tepid water, watering down the shade parts of his stall to make it cooler, and letting him out to pasture at night to prevent colic (a kind of stomach ache that can be fatal and can occur when a horse is stressed). So far he is doing well under those tender ministrations. Oh, and he also now has a bloody scratch near the corner of his eye. No idea how he did that. So, I cleaned that up and got him some electrolyte powder for his feed. I also got a rectal thermometer so I can, in a pinch, get a reading and make sure he's not getting heat stroke. There are other signs I will look for first though.. bulging veins and panting. (Less gross.)

And, my jeep.. which I love, has a very cool humongous sky slider roof (an accordion style soft roof that slides back). Said very cool roof has decided over the last couple of weeks not to close entirely. Monsoon rains are due to begin next Tuesday. The earliest the service center can get me in? Wednesday, naturally. It's also a very bad time to be without my car, as I need to go to the barn several times a day to hose Caspar down. And I'm working next week, so I can't just stay at the barn.


I feel very aggravated.

And now my HOA is saying we must move the shed from behind the side of our house to the back of our house. Which is fine.. but time consuming and it's 109 degrees out. (baleful look) Why couldn't they have objected to it in December or January?

On the positive side (a short but important list), the new fish have not been eaten by the turtle. My two new corals are still alive. My son is doing well on his new medication (thank God), and I get to be home for the next 3 weeks (one of which is a vacation week).

And, of course, I lost 3 pounds.

I am a poorer and busier - but thinner - girl.


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